I just don’t have the time. I’m too busy! I can’t fit it in.

How many times have you said that? We all have.

The truth is, we all know that the things that make a major difference in our lives, like exercise, are often the very same things that fall into the too-hard basket. 

So where do you start? We’ve outlined three easy steps to add fitness to a busy schedule.

1. Set out your priorities

First of all, make fitness a top priority -– it has to be, as the benefits will flow through every other aspect of your life. Be determined to invest in yourself. Get motivated and start thinking about the small steps and what you’re looking to achieve. Don’t get overwhelmed by the scale of making big changes -– think small and incremental.

2. Create a fitness plan

Next step is to set up a fitness plan -– look at what times of the day, night, and week work for you to allocate for getting in shape.  Be completely honest with yourself.  Are you an early riser? Great then set your alarm a little earlier and hit the gym before work or Uni. 

Are you a night owl? Schedule into your calendar some workout sessions in the evening -– make them important, something you won’t want to cancel. If lunchtime or breaks in the middle of the day are all you can spare, then look at smaller hits of exercise. Here at Let’s Go Fitness we are as flexible as possible to support your schedule and needs. 

3. What exercise support do you need?

Figure out what you need from your exercise -– we can help you determine this if you’re unsure. If you do need guidance and feedback, then why not set up a session with our trainers who can not only set up a programme for you around your lifestyle, but also help give feedback on your progress – plus and encourage you along the way.

One of the other things that we all struggle with is spending time with friends and family when we’re not working or studying, as well as keeping in shape. Why not try and combine both? 

We have many classes that suit groups of friends and Let’s Go Fitness has a relaxed and fun environment in the gym that is perfect for hanging out whilst working out. How about arranging a weekly exercise session date with your partner after work? Maximize your time and get fit in the process!

And don’t forget weekends! We are open and waiting to see you.  Scheduling is important to carve out time for yourself over the weekend for bigger workout sessions.

You can make time to get in shape however busy you are, and you’ll soon notice the boost of energy you get as a consequence.

What are you waiting for? Come see us today.